Acknowledging the different layers

Hi friend,

I hope that you are tending to yourself as you navigate this heavy and turbulent time.

Here are some things that have been helping me cope when the world feels like it’s upside down.

Slowing down: I often find myself caught up in a swirl of information on social media and it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of doomscrolling. I’m trying to remember to take a step back, breathe and allow myself to be present, otherwise it’s too hard for me to discerning.

Allowing myself to grieve: The pain and suffering I’ve been witnessing can be overwhelming. It's important to allow myself to grieve and feel the full spectrum of emotions that arise. In the words of Prentis Hemphill, “your emotions are yours. They reveal what you care about, what you are afraid of, and what you love. They can also show you, if you look closely; where your emotions have been or can be manipulated for another’s gain. Feel what is true to you. Look into what you feel. Be willing to be changed.”

Staying empathetic: I recently completed a beginner level somatic experiencing course and the instructor reminded us that every person carries their own layers of individual and collective trauma along with  life experiences that shape their perspectives and actions. In moments of fear and pressure, it’s easy for my perspectives to become narrow. Whenever possible I’m learning to soften when I feel the urge to harden and I’m trying to expand my perspective when the world seems constricted.

Embracing joy: I’m remembering to fully embrace moments of joy. Joy, in its fleeting nature, carries the power to inspire us, uplift us, and fuel our resilience. It's the acknowledgment that even in the face of sorrow, we can find moments of happiness worth celebrating.

It can be jarring to hold the weight of grief in one hand and the radiance of joy in the other. As I maneuver this delicate balancing act, it’s not about eliminating one to make room for the other. Instead, it's about acknowledging and embracing both, letting them coexist and finding meaning in the midst of so much complexity.

Wishing you moments of profound joy and the strength to navigate the heaviness with grace.

With extra care,

The love list:

Watching: The beautiful final season of Reservation Dogs

Reading: Victory City by Salman Rushdie

: Revisiting Midnight Marauders on it’s 30th anniversary